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R3 and bowling
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
today was the first day in my new clan
omg it was so freakin boring lol
like zomg boring
wish R4 didnt split up
it was the best clan lol
mad as, could play psp in class, play cards etc etc
oh well =/
on the brighter side
i fully owned bowling XD
best in aus bowling
got 136 points or somethin like that
3 strike and 2 of them were in a row XD
i feel pro :D

anyways cbf posting more


it's 5:57 PM now

Richman dinner :D
Sunday, February 14, 2010
lol just got bak from my richman dinner
it was like full sushi and sashimi
cost like 100-200 dollars :L
but thats casue we had like 7 people =/
i also made like 50 dollars
New years FTW~
Red Pockets FTW~ XD
well thats all
Happy New Year for the people reading this

it's 7:34 PM now

Saturday, February 13, 2010
today i was playing aion with philip ly and danny
we were killing a boss that had like 3.9mil hp ==''
took us 30min to get the boss down to 50%
and then suddenly we had server lag
Philip and danny died
and i just legged it and got away safely :D
but yea we fully rqed after that lol

well just sharing wats pretty much happened

P.S best joke - God made Heaven and Earth. China made everything else XD


it's 12:22 AM now

soz jess somethings just have to be taken advantage of. edit No.5
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Jess Wong is awesome
and i will not call her a ****head
cause she is too awesome to be a ****head (y)
She's best in aus :D


it's 5:38 PM now

New skin
Saturday, February 6, 2010
ok well short post here
i decided to change my skin
since its been a while
why i chose this one u say?
well i dunno, it was like 1am or somethin when i decided to find one
and i saw this and might aswell go with it :L

well anyways thats it


it's 12:07 PM now

Swim carnival
Thursday, February 4, 2010
woot had swimming carnival today :D
how was it?
Dont ask me, I didnt go XD
woke up at like...dunno but it was late :L
i went to sb instead :L
bought a new printer and pearl milk tea
walked around with that printer for like 10min
saw like 3 people that i knew
tom, james and jess wood
sigh at those waggers ~sigh~

i got a new sim card :D
dunno the number yet :L
but i cant use it until 4pm
69 dollar plan so i get like 450+ credit a month ==''

well thats pretty much it


it's 3:21 PM now



Phillip Yang
16 years old
born 7th Jan 1994

  • euniece
  • jess w
  • carol
  • devina
  • philip ly
  • walter
  • jun
  • angie
  • louise
  • matt
  • adrian
  • simmon
  • steph

    October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010

    brushes x x
    texture colorfilter
    images undeadmiko
    skin slayerette