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Thursday, January 28, 2010
yo its the second day of school atm
found out how hardcore analytical science is today
got a whole page of hwk to do and its boring...

so yea on the first day we didnt do much
pretty much hanged out with friends all day
played big 2 in clan and since we didnt have sport
we just played big 2 in the classroom lol

2nd day was gay
for some gay reason it was changed to a monday time table
so i had all my classes today =/
so gay...

well i gotta finish my science hwk now
so cyas until next time



it's 10:27 PM now

Im back
Saturday, January 23, 2010
woot just arrived bak in aus
ahh so good to be able to use youtube, blogger and fast internet again
well so yea i've been in china for 7 weeks
gonna keep this as short as possible
anyways, yea
its been alright
bought a new laptop, psp, shoes, clothes, money etc etc
watched someone jump off a building...its safe to say that he's dead
was not the best thing to watch ==''

I mostly stayed in guangzhou while i was in china
went to HK a couple of times bought stuff there
walked around a bit
almost got mugged
...taught that guy a lesson...
anyways moving on
went to beijing
it was like -10 degrees when i got there
windy as hell and like the only part of my body u could see was pretty much my eyes
the rest was covered in clothes....

woot 16 now
in about 6 months i can get my learners :D
but then i need 100 hours...
wat did i get for my bday?
the laptop and like 1400 dollars XD
i know wat u people r thinking
ur like "omg wat a rich guy" or "thats sad as u only got 1 present and money"
well im not rich and i like the money more lol
sad i know but its me =/

anyways far out the flight bak was a pain in the ass
woke up at like 10am
finished packing at like 11:40
had to catch a train to HK airport at 12:10
was like hurrying and shit
and omg the luggage weighed a freakin ton
i was pulling 2 of the luggage bags and then i had 2 bags around my body and i was sprinting...
thats the most excercise i've done since...ever lol

well yea got to the airport at 3pm only to find out my plane leaves at 11:50PM...
i was like wtf...
found myself a place to sit and just played my psp until 11:50
and then boarded the plane
best plane ever, it had a freaking power point thing so i could recharge my psp
kept playing it on the plane
got like 30min of sleep and landed at around 10 something
and now im sitting here typing this thing

alright well thats all im willing to type atm
i might post some more later


it's 12:38 PM now



Phillip Yang
16 years old
born 7th Jan 1994

  • euniece
  • jess w
  • carol
  • devina
  • philip ly
  • walter
  • jun
  • angie
  • louise
  • matt
  • adrian
  • simmon
  • steph

    October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010

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