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going soon >_<
Saturday, December 5, 2009
woot going to china soon XD
lol i think im going to the airport at around 8pm
gonna get to the airport at around 9
the gay thing is plane leaves at 12 =/
its gonna be a 12 hour flight cause im changing planes at singapore
dont really like planes cause its uber cramped unless its business class
damn...wish someone would buy me a business class plane ticket *coughcarolcough* <----matches her height (thats as small as it gets)
im gonna buy so much stuff in china XD
games, maybe a laptop, clothes, shoes, food, drinks, maybe a ps3, maybe tv, maybe a new comp, and many more stuff that could happen
laptop is too bad to play HoN or CoD6 MW2 so thats pretty gay =/
maybe a new laptop would be able to play it

well anyways this is my last post in Australia this year
so yea cyas and have a good holiday
oh and one more thing


p.s remember guys, Bros before Ho Ho Ho's

it's 6:56 PM now

Thursday, December 3, 2009
WOOT!!! i got CoD6 MW2 XD
lol im like fully addicted to the game atm
gay thing is that my laptop cant play it =/
well anyways first post in a while lol
went to sunnbank on tuesday
got swine flu shot on wednesday
played CoD6 all day today
lol i'll go to school tomorrow but prob only for half the day =)

anyways thats all i got today


it's 7:47 PM now



Phillip Yang
16 years old
born 7th Jan 1994

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