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DK's Bday
Saturday, November 28, 2009
today was DK's bday
Happy Bday DK bro
I woke up at 7 then went back to sleep and woke up at 8
got ready at like 10:30
arrived at sunnybank at 10:50 something
went to EB to buy CoD6
walked in and some guy walked out with the last copy... *RAGE*
i walked to every place that selled games and CoD6 was all sold out in all of them....
well anyways met up with robin and dk around 11:30
ate some kfc, watch dk play MT and he got owned (no offense)
danny, brae and felix came to funhouse to meet up
saw euniece and gaby's group
anyways went to ipm at around 12:50ish and saw sid and philip ly there
we played CoD4 and i got raped by brae's proness D:
CoD4 is good but i want to play CoD6 T^T
and then the other guys came, gavin and lachlan

we played at ipm for like 3hrs and then at 4 me and robin left to catch the bus
we were gonna catch the 4:25 bus or something but it never came so we went to funhouse
then we came back to catch the 4:45 bus and that never came...
in the end we just waited there for another 15 min to catch the 5pm bus...
so we got off at griffith to catch the 150
and 2 of the 150s didnt stop at griffith cause they were full
so we ended up taking the 5:45 one or w/e time it was
anyways i got home at 6 and that was pretty much my day lol

well cyas until next time


it's 6:44 PM now

Math Test
Thursday, November 26, 2009
woot I did my maths text today ^.^
which was gay... i prob just failed maths...
took like an entire page to do one question ==''
RAGING hardcore at my comp >_<
i am gonna have to do my science long answer test tomorrow...
Timber Design due tomorrow...and...
Graphics Isometric and logo and Orthographic due on Monday >_>
man im praying to god that i can get everything done on time T^T
cause i still have so have so much to do in graphics
it takes ages to do the orthographic

Well here is some good news, im nearly going to CHINA!!! XD
im gonna leave to china on the 5th of December
thats so good :D
but that means if i dont fix my comp before then, then i'll have to fix it when i get back...gay

...yea my day was pretty gay today lol
pretty much did nothing for the entire day
and fully maxed out on rage lol :L
1 times 1 is 1 XD
lol yea random and bored atm
anyways 10 more days until i go to China
plus im gonna try to skip school next tuesday :D
oh and 1 more thing...im BORED!!
anyways i'll stop now
cyas later


it's 7:49 PM now

Comp = Dead
OMG!!! my comp has officially died yesterday T^T
when i turn it on everything is fine
until i log into my username that is...
the screen is black, the only thing i can see on it is my mouse
i was downloading windows 7 on it aswell...
well guess i'll have to try and get it off someone or just download it on my bro's comp...

~sigh~ well this is gay, all my games were on that comp aswell...
well thats all i got today
cyas later


it's 5:45 AM now

Gay Computer D:<
Monday, November 23, 2009
argh my computer is being gay
its got viruses so now i have to reformat
i was gonna get my vista cd but i cant find it....
~sigh~ my brother is telling me to get windows 7
but i dont have enough money for it
i want it, its like $120-$150 if i buy it with some hardware
or just $200 if i buy it by itself ==''
where am i gonna find enough money for that? *cough*carol*cough*
i might just buy it in china and then change all the settings to english later

anyways exams all this week >_<
and i seriously need to study
so im gonna end my post here and go study


p.s. Matt's nickname is "the MADMAN" :D

it's 7:08 PM now

Boredom 2
Thursday, November 19, 2009
im so freakin bored
been playing HoN with Danny, Gavin, the MADMAN!!(matt), lewis, brae, DK, Philip, Walter, Tuan, Dong, Christian, Felix ever since like 6pm
got nothing to do now =/
i want to get CoD6 but its so expensive D:

man today is hot
it feels like its 30 degrees all day...
wish i had A/C T^T

Well thats all i got today
cyas, until next time

it's 9:51 PM now

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Today i went to the movies with DK, Robin, Bernett, Philip Ly, Jun and Terence
we went to watch the movies 2012
it was a pretty good movie
it had plenty of "yep, he's dead" moments lol
showed some pretty gruesome deaths aswell


like getting crushed by a tidal wave or having this giant buiding falling down on you
hell even having this giant piece of land hurtling towards you
the poor president of USA got crushed by a huge wave AND a aircraft carrier ==''


It went for 2hrs 30min D:
man at the end my ass was numb and when people stood up
all u could hear was cracking bones lol :L
yea anyways i like the move so i'll give it a 5/5 :D

after the movie ended went out and then everyone except me and philip went to the toilet at the same time ==''
lol well cant blame them, they were drinking during the movie :L
saw euniece at sunnybank with her friends aswell
but thats not very important

well thats all i got for today
dont blame me if i just ruined it
i did say *SPOILERS*
cyas, until next time


it's 5:07 PM now

Bdays FTW!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
woot today was Danny's bday
to celebrate we had cake, snakes, mountain dew, pepsi and those puff ball thingies with chocolate and vanilla in them XD
lol it was good as
had like 20 people there :D
so yea it was danny's bday and we decided to celebrate other people's bday that had their bday in the same month so it was like a party for 4 people:
Danny, Bernett, Lewis and Jun...i think ==''
lol yea it was pretty good
started stabbing people with the forks and stuff
danny got cake in his ear lol
he tried to wash it out but failed :L

I also had pool/snooker today
damn Matt and Bernett D:
i swear they are hacking
they get like the luckiest shots ever
well Matt is always hacking...

well thats pretty much wat happened today
cyas next time


it's 3:50 PM now

Carol is stupid 2 >_<
Monday, November 9, 2009
hello people
today me and my group did the english play D:
lol well it wasnt that bad :L
it was actually pretty godlike
it was 10minutes long and i had the longest lines in the group T^T
which is gay...
anyways after the play i went to sit down in my seat
and then Carol comes along...
someone gives her a brown pen...
next thing i know she's trying to draw on me D:
Stupid Carol (DONT KILL ME) >_<
and all the pen marks look like someone scratched me or somethin =/
which is pretty sus ==''

anyways thats all i got for today


P.S. Before i forget, i made euniece jealous cause i had chicken for dinner XD

it's 7:01 PM now

Saturday, November 7, 2009
OMG!!! im so freakin bored >_<
lol yea anyways i have been playing HoN for the entire day pretty much
and wow there are so many noob people D:
those gay people are taking down my PSR
yea well anyways thats all i got today

it's 9:56 PM now

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
omg D:
today i got a facial T^T
the white stuff shot onto my face some got into my hair
it was all sticky and stuff...

to all the sick minded people reading this
im talking about the glue in timber design >_>
my dove tail halving joint was coming loose on my chair leg
so i opened it a bit and poured a ton of glue into it
then i tried to close it but it was stuck >_<
so i was looking directly above it and then pushed it closed as hard as possible
next thing i know this blob of glue came shooting up and hit my forehead :L
i washed it with water straight away since the glue comes off easily when wet
phew, lucky it came off :D

lol yea anyways we attacked Kha for cookies again :L
well this is all i got today

it's 7:26 PM now

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
hello people
dont have much to talk about today
my day has been pretty boring
only thing worth mentioning is that
i finally got a betakey for HoN(Heroes of Newerth)
thanks to Philip Ly (Y)
im still kinda noobie at it but i'll eventually get better :D
its got good graphics but everything is a bit unbalanced
well i guess it is still in beta

Also today i RQed D:
my pen design for graphics was too complicated so i kinda threw it in the bin
now i have to finish my orthographic view for my new pen design
simple is best

oh yea before i forget
today we savagely attacked Kha
cause he had cookies :D
we stole a packet of cookies
and then i got the second last one XD
when i was about to give Jun the last one
Danny stole it and ran away lol

aight this is all i got today
maybe i'll post some screen shots of HoN later

it's 5:51 PM now

Carol is Stupid >_<
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thats right, you heard me
Carol is Stupid!! >_<
here are some reasons why she is stupid
she took my phone
she sent a text to euniece with my phone (details are secret)
she had pocky
she didnt give me pocky D:<
and the list goes on
Dont kill me >_<
lol yeah anyways school was pretty boring today
nothing good happened...
had maths with Choi first
Timber with Stevens
Sose with Lockington
English with Stupid Carol >_< (Dont kill me!)
Graphics with Johnson
and last but not least
Science with Ogilvie(O-gil-V) or however u spell her name
well thats all i got for now
cyas later, until next time

it's 5:05 PM now

Sunday, November 1, 2009
hello people
second post in one day lol XD
yea well i just finished my 3D rendering drawing of my pen for graphics
ahh stupid assignments are stupid >_<
anyways took me like an hour to finish it D:
it looks pretty(very) bad too lol
and the worse thing is that i have to do it on autoCAD
thats gonna be a pain in the back...
well thats all i got for now
bye for now, not forever
lol it kinda looks like a bunny, right? XD

it's 10:47 PM now

Second Post and new bag!!!
Woot second post
world record lol
woke at 4am today...way too early for me
but that didnt stop me from going bak to sleep =)

anyways got a new bag today (finally)
its a Puma bag and its black =)
it looks kool as XD

woot mum's bak with some kfc XD
ok well this is all that i can think of posting atm
cyas later, until next time

it's 1:19 PM now



Phillip Yang
16 years old
born 7th Jan 1994

  • euniece
  • jess w
  • carol
  • devina
  • philip ly
  • walter
  • jun
  • angie
  • louise
  • matt
  • adrian
  • simmon
  • steph

    October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010

    brushes x x
    texture colorfilter
    images undeadmiko
    skin slayerette